Strip Me Down And Go To Town

Strip Me Down And Go To Town

Rating: NC-17

Fandom: EDM

Ships: Skrillmau5

Warnings: BDSM, chastity, hard degradation

Sonny’s spine tingles with anticipation as he hears the flick of Joel’s lighter flint. He can’t see what he’s doing, partially because he’s blindfolded and partially because if he wasn’t, he’d still be tied spread-eagle to Joel’s bedframe, but he knows he’s lighting a candle- they’ve already planned out the scene, and Sonny had wanted to try wax play tonight.

Loosely, he rattles the short chain holding his leather handcuffs together. It dings against the wrought-iron bedframe satisfyingly as he wriggles, helpless. 

“You stay still, slave, ” Joel’s voice cuts in, harsh and dripping with contempt. It makes Sonny’s heart drop in just the right way to get his blood pumping, veins cold as the lighter drops audibly against the bedside table. 

“You did this to yourself. I wouldn’t have to punish you if you weren’t so disobedient.” There’s a growl in his voice. The bed dips by Sonny’s side, and he convulses when a dribble of hot, burning wax splashes against his stomach. It cools almost immediately, but Sonny grits his teeth anyway, body bracing involuntarily for another.

“You disgust me.” Joel’s words, hurtful and prickly, cut right to the core of Sonny, making his cock twitch. Joel scoffs. “Yeah, look at you. You’re getting hard from this. Isn’t that pathetic, Sonny? You disobey me because you love being punished. Being reminded of your place. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

Sonny knows he hasn’t been given permission to speak yet, so he nods instead. There’s a certain feeling he gets when Joel degrades him this way, like thumbs plunging into the center of his heart and ripping it into two halves as if it were nothing more significant than a pomegranate. And he loves that feeling, craves it, even. He counts himself lucky every day Joel is willing to do this to him- most past partners have been too scared to truly hurt him.

Sonny jumps when another splash of hot wax burns his chest, much larger. He feels it solidifying even as it runs downward, pooling atop his sternum. Something wet and cold hits Sonny’s cheek, and a wave of hot, red humiliation washes over him a second later when he realizes it’s Joel’s spit. 

“I know why you’re being punished, but I want you to tell me.”

Sonny shudders when Joel dribbles hot wax down from his sternum to his belly button. Joel hums approvingly.

“Yeah, now you wanna fuckin’ behave. Speak, slave. And I want an apology. Grovel.”

Now , Sonny has permission to talk. A squeak escapes him as Joel dribbles more wax on what had been his happy trail before he’d shaved his body in preparation for this, blows a fuse in his brain while he’s trying to find words, but Joel is patient. He knows, sometimes, it’s hard for Sonny to speak while in subspace- that’s worked into their play rules; Sonny only speaks when specifically instructed to. Still, he tries to force words out of himself.

“‘M sorry, Master, I’m sorry…” Sonny recoils a little when the wax hits the dip of his hipbone. “ Ah- I’m sorry, for- for touching myself behind your back-”


“And for cumming without permission-” Sonny feels the tears begin to slip now, and comfortingly, Joel punishes him with another singe of hot wax on his chest, much too close to his nipple. He whimpers. 

“I’m sorry for being so selfish, Master. I don’t deserve to feel good, I don’t- I don’t deserve orgasms, Master.”

“No, slave, you don’t, ” Joel affirms condescendingly, a mock-sympathetic whine escaping him as his gloved hand trails down Sonny’s body to where his cock stands embarrassingly stiff, fingers coming to cup his balls and squeeze- just tight enough to hurt, but not too much. A whine escapes the submissive. 

“And that’s why you won’t be cumming all week. This is your punishment, but I want you to remember orgasms are a privilege I give you.”

Sonny wants to thank Joel for putting him in his place, but he refrains, without permission to speak- no need to get in more trouble. Joel lets go of his balls and pulls his hand away, replacing it with more hot wax- dangerously close to his penis, but not quite there. He knows Joel will respect his wishes and avoid getting wax on his cock, but he sure will edge close. 

“You’re taking your punishment well,” Joel praises, his voice a little softer than before. His hands trace over Sonny’s stomach, over the now cool and hardened wax which sticks to his skin. “If you keep this up, I might not have to put you in chastity like I was planning to.”

Sonny whimpers a little at that, and in retaliation, rattles his chains just slightly. He knows it’s just the submissive part of his brain taking him over, begging for more punishment, more pain, but he can’t help but feel disappointed that Joel won’t lock him up. As if in warning, Joel drips more wax onto Sonny’s collarbone- snapping him right out of his petty resistance as he flinches.

“Don’t make me walk that back.” Then, a pause. Joel’s hand comes to rest on Sonny’s chest, and he taps twice. “Hey- color?”

“Green.” The response is so quick it’s almost instinctual, but after a moment, he fights through the haze and adds; “But, um, can you put me in chastity?”

There’s a little pause, and Sonny can hear Joel setting the candle down on the nightstand. He pulls Sonny’s blindfold up above his eyes so they can talk a little more properly, leaning half over him. Joel’s nude but for his underwear, and Sonny glances down far enough to confirm he’s hard, but mostly, he stares up into his Master's eyes with all the love in the world, because how could he not adore Joel when he takes such good care of him?

“You want me to put you in chastity,” Joel repeats, slow and clear to make sure he’s understanding Sonny.

“Yes, Master.” Sonny knows he doesn’t need to use the title when they’re negotiating like this, but he wants to. Joel deserves such a title. He’s perfect. After a moment, Sonny adds, “So I won’t be so perverted and selfish again when you aren’t here to catch me. Please, Master?”  

Joel gives Sonny a look he’s feeling a little too hazy to really parse- something in the realm of love- and then leans down to kiss his lips, black nitrile glove caressing Sonny’s cheek and wiping away a stray tear. Sonny is happy to return the affection, though his hands are restrained.

When Joel pulls away, he mutters, “You’re so out of it,” then puts Sonny’s blindfold back over his eyes. There’s a moment of long silence before Joel steps back into his Dominant persona and tells Sonny instead of his previous comment, “You’re being very, very well-behaved, but don’t think it’s going to get you out of a week of chastity. I don’t take my slave’s discipline lightly.”

Sonny whines like he’s disappointed although he clearly isn’t, and as if for his hypocrisy, Joel drips more of the wax, this time on Sonny’s thigh. Sonny hears chains rattle as his whole leg involuntarily jerks. Joel repeats the action on the other side and gets a much more subdued reaction. Seemingly satisfied, Sonny hears Joel blow out the candle before setting it down again.

“Alright, that’s enough.”

Sonny feels the mattress dip by his feet and hears the rattle of his ankle chains, and after a moment, Joel crawls on top of him and starts to undo his handcuffs, too. Once the chain is off of one, rattling loudly as it falls against the bedframe, Joel’s gloved hands are on the O-ring of his collar and pulling him up as if they were a leash.

“Up, slave.”

Sonny wants to ask what Joel plans to do with him, even though he already kind of knows, because they’ve discussed this all ahead of time, what kind of punishments Sonny is and isn’t okay with receiving today and where Joel can hit him. But the nature of Joel’s prodding still arouses anticipation within Sonny.

As soon as Sonny’s sat up and his handcuff chain is no longer looped through the bedframe, Joel attaches it again, and then pulls Sonny forward. He shoves him down by the head so his ass is in the air bent over his knees and, hungrily, grabs a fistful of his ass. His palm lingers there, rubbing teasingly as a shiver runs up Sonny’s spine. 

“Such a perfect ass for such a pathetic little thing,” Joel coos, leaning forward to sink his teeth into the soft, fleshy cheek. Sonny squeaks in surprise, but Joel pays no mind, giving a light slap to his thigh.

“How many spankings do you think you deserve, slave?” Joel half barks and half asks, hands still running across Sonny’s skin. As an afterthought, he appends, “Speak.”

“T-Twenty, Sir?” Sonny suggests, meekly.

“You’re trying to get off easy.” Joel scoffs. “Try again.”

“I’m sorry, Sir- um, fifty. I deserve fifty.”

“That’s better.” One hand wanders its way up Sonny’s throat and to his face. Face slapping is off-limits tonight, so Sonny feels safe in leaning into his Master’s touch, letting Joel’s thumb brush over his tear-damp cheekbone. After a moment, his comforting touch recedes. 

“You’re going to count every hit. If you lose count, I won’t make you start over, but I’ll make you count from the last ten. And you’re going to thank me for each one. Understood, slave?”

Sonny swallows hard and nods.

No sooner than Sonny has agreed to his Master’s terms does a hard swat hit his ass. He jolts, not expecting it, and with his surprise, he forgets to count. Joel hits him again, and this time, he remembers. 

“One- thank you, Master.”

“That’s fuckin’ better.” Joel soothes over the place he’s just hit with a gentle touch, ever so briefly, before swatting again. And again, and again, and again, and dutifully, Sonny counts and thanks him for each strike, even though his ass soon begins to burn and sting. By the forties, it’s teetering the edge of overwhelming, but Sonny doesn’t safeword and tap out. The finish line is right in front of him, and- he can do it, he can push through just three more.

“F-Forty-seven, thank you, Master!”

Joel’s hand squeezes Sonny’s ass, agitating the angry red marks that must surely be left there. It’s too much. Just three more. Just three. 

Joel pulls his hand back, and even though Sonny’s bracing for it, it’s a hard hit to his thigh and it jerks him forward a little with the force of the impact. 

“Ah- Forty-eight, thank you, Master.”

Joel must be able to tell Sonny is reaching his limit, because he gently brushes his hand over the area and assures him, “Almost there, almost.”

Sonny nods, sniffling a little. He started crying proper- not just a few stray tears- somewhere through the mid-twenties. Joel had checked in, even though Sonny keeps insisting that he doesn’t need to every time he cries because he always cries during sex anyway, but Joel is way too responsible of a Dom to listen to him. 

Another hard smack pulls Sonny from his thoughts. 

“Forty-eight! Thank you, Master-”

“Forty-nine. We were at forty-nine.”

Sonny’s heart drops in his chest, and unwittingly, a hiccuping sob escapes him. That’s going to send him back to forty. He doesn’t know if he has ten more in him. 

Two taps to his shoulder.

“Hey, Hey. Son. Color?”

“Yellow,” Sonny admits, although it sounds like defeat. He feels like such a failure of a submissive, all of a sudden. Unable to follow rules and unable to take his punishments when he deserves them.

Joel hums and runs a hand over Sonny’s sorely-abused ass, while the other pulls off his blindfold. All Sonny can really see is the bedsheets and his cuffed hands bracing against them, but it’s a good signifier that they’re negotiating and not playing now.

“Tell me what’s going on.”

“I-” Sonny whimpers. It’s hard for him to talk properly. He wipes his tears on the leather of his cuffs. “I don’t think I can do another ten. I’m sorry, Master, I’ll do better next time, I-”

“Don’t call me Master. I’m just Joel right now.” Joel’s voice is firm, but there’s a loving undertone to it that makes Sonny’s heart lurch. It hurts, in the same way a good spanking does.

“I’m sorry, Joel-”

“Don’t be sorry, either.”

Sonny doesn’t reply, because he can’t quite formulate the words in his head right now, but he gets the message. He doesn’t have to be a perfect submissive and play is supposed to be fun even though he’s getting punished and he’s getting way too deep in subspace. Blah blah.

“...Do you want to keep going?” Joel asks after a long second. “I won’t make you start over from forty, but I think you have just one more in you.”

“Mm-hm,” Sonny confirms, shifting his weight a little on his forearms. “Actually, I think I just needed a break. What’s after?”

“I was gonna jerk off on your face and degrade you. But then after that we’re done. Shower and get all that wax off you and then lock you up. Then we can do whatever you want. Does that sound okay?”

“Yes, Sir- I mean, yes, Joel.”

“Good. You’re being really good for me, Sonny. You’re taking your punishments well.” Joel reaches over Sonny to grab for his blindfold- it’s loosened way too much, so he opts to untie it from where it’s fallen around his neck and set it aside. “Okay to keep going?”

“Yes, sir.” 

Joel doesn’t harp on the title usage this time. 

He takes a deep breath and places his hand back on Sonny’s ass, before pulling back and spanking him again.

“Forty-one. Thank you, Master.”

The motion repeats, seven more times, until they’re back where they were. Sonny’s ass stings a little bit even after Joel’s hand is gone, and he squeezes his eyes shut as he braces for another. Joel smacks his ass again, hard.

“Forty-nine, thank you, Ma-ah!”

Joel smacks him again before he can even finish his sentence, harder than before, ripping a pained sob from Sonny’s body. 

“Fifty! Thank you, Master, thank you for putting me in my place, thank you, thank you,” Sonny babbles, tears running down his cheeks, flowing freely now. Joel hums and pulls Sonny up by his collar, kissing his cheek and licking his tears away. They’re salty and taste of pure fucking eroticism. Joel smacks his ass one more time for good measure, making Sonny squeak with surprise.

“I didn’t tell you to speak.” 

Sonny whimpers and nods. Joel sighs and kisses him again, then lets go, pressing a hand lightly to Sonny’s chest. 

“On your knees, slave. Legs spread. Let me see your pathetic little prick.”

Sonny obeys, slowly and carefully letting himself down on the floor where he kneels before Joel, legs wide open, leaving his cock on full display. It’s not as long as Joel’s, though just a little wider, and every now and then, Joel teases him for that. He’s acutely aware of it right now, anyway. His cock is flushed red and embarrassingly hard, little beads of pre-cum leaking from the tip and running down his shaft. Shame washes over Sonny, cascading down his spine like a too-hot shower.

“You’re hopeless,” Joel comments from above. Sonny looks up in time to watch Joel’s hand wander over the front of his boxers, groping himself shamelessly through the Space Invaders-patterned fabric.

“Look at you, Sonny. So fucking hard just from being punished. You’re all worked up and desperate because I, what? Burned you with a candle and then spanked your ass red?” A condescending chuckle escapes Joel as he finally pushes his boxers down, revealing his own hard-on. It’s long and skinny like the rest of him, and Sonny can’t keep his eyes off it as Joel begins to stroke. Joel smirks down at him.

“I bet all you want to do right now is put my cock in your mouth.” Dumbly, Sonny nods. “Pathetic. You just… disgust me, Sonny. This is why you’re a worthless sex slave destined to serve real men while your useless dick stays locked up in chastity.”

Sonny sobs and shifts his weight, thrusting fruitlessly into open air. He knows it’ll do nothing but frustrate him more and aggravate his sore ass, but the movement is involuntary. 

“Getting squirmy, aren’t you?” Joel groans and throws his head back as he touches himself, right where Sonny is forced to watch his lithe fingers curling around his own cock, pumping it at a leisurely pace as he talks down to him, teasing him with the fact he can’t have the one thing he desperately needs.

Mmh. This feels so good. Getting to touch myself whenever I want, ‘cause I’m a real man , and not a worthless sex toy like you.

Sonny thrusts into the air again, sniffling as he bites his lip. He wants to sit on his hands, but he can’t when they’re cuffed in front of him- forced to be just within reach of his need, completely able to touch but not allowed. He feels so utterly pathetic, helpless. His cock twitches, begs him for attention it won’t get. A distinct feeling of painful tightness twinges in his balls, and he can’t do anything about it.

Joel sighs openly with pleasure as he lets himself come to look at Sonny again, a devious grin on his face. He strokes himself a little faster, watches the way Sonny stares at his cock like a man starved. 

“Oh, Sonny. You want it so bad, don’t you?”

Sonny nods, desperate. 

“Beg for it, then. Speak.”

Sonny rocks himself forward again in search of friction, hands pressed to his chest and fingers interlocked for a lack of anywhere else to put them that would not tempt him- it almost resembles a corrupt mockery of a prayer. 

“Master, please-” Sonny hiccups a little. “I don’t- I know I don’t deserve it, but please- I need it so bad, please just let me touch- It hurts, please, please let me…”

Joel moans over top his soft pleads as he continues to pleasure himself, strokes increasing in tempo. Embarrassment washes over Sonny as he thinks that Joel hadn’t ever planned to consider it, but only wanted to masturbate to the sound of his begging. Another tingle of pain in his groin.

Sonny, ” Joel half moans and half sighs, making a little come-here gesture with his free hand as he spreads his legs a little. “Mh- Come here, slave.”

Obediently, Sonny shuffles forward until his face is settled between Joel’s legs. His Master’s cock is right in front of him, now, just inches from his face. Close enough to lick, but Sonny knows he hasn’t been given permission.

“Open. Tongue out.”

Sonny knows well what’s coming next. Humiliation washes over him just in anticipation of it as, reluctantly, he opens his mouth as wide as it’ll go and sticks out his tongue.

Joel’s free hand tangles in the greasy black strands of Sonny’s hair as he rubs himself to completion, aiming mostly toward Sonny’s mouth but managing to get cum on his nose and upper lip as well. And all Sonny can do is sit there and let it happen, ignore the discomfort between his legs and take it. The salty taste of sperm settles grossly on Sonny’s tongue as Joel lets go of his spent and softening cock and leans back against the bed on one hand, the other still in Sonny’s hair.

“Swallow,” he says, breathily.

Sonny obeys. The spooge is thick and slimy going down his throat, and he makes a distinctive ick face at the aftertaste.

“Good fucking boy,” Joel half-whispers, grip on Sonny’s hair giving way to gentle, loving pets. “Perfect little slave slut.”

Sonny nods, weakly. His dick is still hard, desperate, wanting. His groin absolutely aches with need. and he knows he isn’t getting it. 

It’s the kind of satisfaction an orgasm could literally never compare to. 

Sonny closes his eyes and rests his head against Joel’s thigh as his Master pets him, tender and loving. Because at the end of the day, he loves him. Joel will hurt him just the way he needs it, punish him, deny him- and then he’ll always, always, pick up the pieces and put him back together. Joel’s thumb swipes across his lip and wipes off the cum that’s left there, then darts into Sonny’s mouth. Sonny gratefully lets his lips wrap around Joel’s thumb, licking off the remnants of semen. It’s gross, but Sonny is so turned on still he doesn’t care. Joel’s thumb escapes his mouth. 

“Alright, into the shower. Come on.”

Sonny groans, but he knows they have to do it. He’s probably certifiably disgusting right now, between the hardened wax and the jizz and the sweat. He doesn’t care, but Joel does, and he will later when his body calms down. 

Joel grabs Sonny by the O-ring of his collar and forces him up, until he’s on his feet and his ass is complaining about the sudden motion. 

Joel leads Sonny to the bathroom, and says to him, “The scene’s over. You can talk now.”

Sonny knows that, but it’s nice to have the assurance. Still, he doesn’t speak. He lets Joel remove his handcuffs and collar and lead him into the shower, get the water going, set out towels, pull him into the stream.

It’s a comfortable silence between the two of them as Joel washes himself and Sonny. His hands run across Sonny’s skin, having lost the gloves somewhere along the way, prying chunks of cracked and solidified wax from his skin. The gloves weren’t really even necessary for the scene, now Sonny thinks about it, but he has a sneaking suspicion Joel just likes the way they look on himself. 

Sonny dips his head as Joel works the shampoo into his hair, beginning to hum softly as he does. Sonny closes his eyes and listens to him, and it takes him a long moment to recognize the tune as Cinema. He smiles ever so faintly to himself. 

Joel guides Sonny under the water to rinse the soap from his hair, and a couple minutes later, the water is off and Joel’s wrapping a towel around Sonny’s shoulders lovingly- the big, fluffy one that’s impossibly soft. Joel kisses his forehead. 

“Feel better?”

“Mm-hm.” Sonny nods and lets Joel dry him off, until his hair is kind of frizzy from the towel and no longer dripping water and his skin feels pleasantly cool. Joel picks up Sonny’s collar from where he left it on the side of the sink. It’s black leather and it’s padded on the inside, and it’s made just to Sonny’s measurements. He lifts his head and gives Joel room to slip it around his neck and buckle it shut. The feeling is snug and comfortable, and Sonny looks up at Joel with all the adoration in the world when he pulls his hands back.

Joel adjusts the collar so the O-ring settles in the center of Sonny’s chest, and then tugs it forward. 

Sonny follows him back into the bedroom, a nervous yet excited tingle in his gut. It’s not enough to arouse interest in his dick after he’s already gone soft, but his heart beats just a little quicker as he sits down and watches Joel rifle through their drawer of toys, until eventually, he procures what he’s looking for; a stainless steel cage in the shape of a downward-curved phallus.

Joel makes his way to Sonny with the cage, removing the padlock and separating the two parts of it- the ring and the cage- as he gets onto his knees before Sonny. He fits the ring, with some difficulty, around Sonny’s balls, and then slides the actual cage onto him. It’s just a little tight, and it feels like being held. Joel slides the padlock back onto it, and looks up to meet Sonny’s eyes as he snaps it shut with a satisfying click. 

“There. Now you can’t disobey me. Should teach you a lesson.”

Sonny has to suppress a moan in response, and his balls feel just a little bit like Joel is pressing on a bruise, and god damn he’s so lucky .

Joel gets the feeling that the waterworks are about to start up again, so he leans up and catches Sonny’s lips in his own, brief yet loving. He runs a hand through Sonny’s hair and mutters, “You were so good for me. Just perfect.”

Sonny smiles down at Joel and kisses him again, satisfied and giddy. “Thank you, Master~”