The K9 Narcotix are a sibling group of anthro wolfdogs. This nickname comes from the fact they are all named after different drugs.

Ecstacy "Molly" N.

Molly (she/they/howl) is the oldest of the three siblings, at 28. She's known to her friends as a party-loving, boy-crazy social butterfly who always seems to get exactly what she wants, with very little effort. They're known to their family as an absolute fucking menace.

After receiving a generous inheritance from their father- of which everything automatically went to her, as there was no will- she has been living lavishly, although she also supports herself as a professional hairstylist. That said, you're probably more likely to spot them eying the DJ at a rave than actually in the salon.

Percocet "Percy" N.

Percy (he/it/bite) is the middle pup, aged 21. This means he is usually the one buying beer for his underage friends, which he has no qualms with as "laws are for losers, suckers, and bootlickers anyway." Its family relationships are complicated at best, though, having received nothing from its parents' death except a beat-up old truck that Molly thought too ugly to keep.

Percy is currently supporting himself as the full-time bassist of queerpunk band Butch and the Bloodhounds, and lives separately from his sister as the lead singer Andi's roommate. It's a bit of a crowded apartment, really, but Percy just can't stand its sister some days.

Ritalin "Ritz" N.

The youngest of the family, Ritz (he/xe) is only 7 dog years old. He's quite curious and naive, as any pup this young tends to be, and rather excitable. Some of xyr favorite things in the world are Minecraft, Angry Birds, and Roblox.

Ritz is a middling student at best, though his teacher insists he's incredibly smart if only he applied himself a little more. Though, it isn't really xyr fault all xyr homework assignments go missing; xe spends weekdays with Molly and weekends with Percy, and in all that moving around, of course things will get lost. It's okay, though, because Ritz loves both his older siblings very much.

And... that's about it. All three of the Narcotix siblings.

You can leave now. Go look at some other page.

Why are you staring at me like that?

That's all of them.

Really, there's just the three of them. Stop asking.

We don't talk about Dolly, okay?