
Jan. 15, 2012: Stranger

Sonny’s birthday came without much excitement- 24, after all, was just another number to most- but it certainly wouldn’t leave as quietly.

Joel was feeling nice that morning. Affectionate, even. Not that he didn’t always love Sonny, but sometimes it just felt harder to express than it should have been- and he kind of hated that about himself, really, but today wasn’t one of those days.  

He woke up in a good mood, early enough to watch over Sonny’s head as the pale morning light filled their shared bedroom, even though Sonny was typically the early riser. He’d fallen asleep cuddled up to Sonny the night before, and now his arm was pinned underneath the younger man, and he wasn’t even upset about it despite the feeling of pins and needles that resulted. At some point, he’d propped himself up on his elbow just to watch Sonny sleep, letting his heart swell with affection he could never put to words or song if he tried, taking notice of the little things- the soft sound of Sonny’s slow breaths, a sort of half-snore that escaped him whenever he breathed in. The slight twitch of his lips in response to whatever dream he was having. Absolutely adorable.

At some point, Joel considered pelting his fiancé with kisses and risking waking him up, but he refrained- better to let him get his beauty sleep. So, instead, he slowly maneuvered his arm out from under the other, as gingerly as possible so as to not wake him, and got out of bed. He could show Sonny his love some other way. 

So he went ahead and did that. He got out of bed, threw a shirt on since he usually slept in just his boxers, and made his way to the kitchen, deciding that he was going to surprise Sonny with breakfast in bed on his birthday. Not that Joel had ever been much of a chef- in fact, he kind of fucking sucked at cooking and usually Sonny was the one to do it- but it’s the thought that counts, right? He fed Meowingtons first, then got to work. He made eggs, Canadian bacon (or as it was locally known, back bacon), and toast. Pretty hard to fuck up, at least. Though as he was plating their meal, Joel heard the bedroom door creak open- either Sonny was up or Meowingtons had learned to operate doorknobs, which was unlikely.

“God dammit,” Joel muttered under his breath, turning to face Sonny, and- oh wow, he looked pissed.

“Yeah, happy to see you too, babe.”

So Sonny woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Noted. Joel could work with that. 

“Not like that. Just ruined the surprise.” Joel rolled his eyes and brought their plates over to the breakfast table, setting them down and pulling out a chair for Sonny. “I was gonna make you breakfast in bed, but now you’re already up… it’s just breakfast.”

Sonny didn’t say anything in response to that, which Joel tried his best to not get pissed about, and sat down to eat. Joel sighed and took his own seat, starting to slowly pick at his food. Maybe he really just wasn’t meant for love. It felt like every time he tried at the whole thing, it fucking blew up on him. A bit late to think of it, but still… it nagged at him. After a long moment, he looked up from his half-eaten bacon and at Sonny.

“Uh, happy birthday. I get you’re not in a good mood but hopefully I can-”

Joel paused mid-sentence as he noticed Sonny’s plate was already empty. How was that possible? How the fuck did he eat all that so quickly?

“Holy fucking shit, you ate that fast.”

Sonny huffed and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. There was something in his eyes Joel had never noticed before, but it was gone as soon as it came, and Joel couldn’t put a finger on what exactly it was- something unnerving.

“I get it, I’m a fat fucking pig. You don’t have to point it out.”

Joel raised an eyebrow. “When did I say that? That’s more than I’ve ever seen you eat at once in your life. You’re not a pig-”

“You don’t have to lie about it to make me feel better, Joel.”

That was the last straw. Joel slammed his fork down on his plate. “Listen, I don’t know what crawled up your ass and died, Sonny, but I’m trying to be fucking nice to you! I made you breakfast, I was going to take you out to that nice sushi place tonight, I got you those expensive-ass speakers you’ve wanted for the past two months, and you’re being a fucking bitch to me!”

Joel got up from the table so fast his chair tipped over on the floor- he didn’t bother to pick it up before storming off toward their studio, his usual retreat. He shouted back, “Happy FUCKING birthday!” 

Joel shut the door behind himself, neglecting to lock it in case Sonny wanted to apologize, and sat down at his desk to put his frustrations to song. He lit a cigarette and got to work. It would be better to get it out of his system now rather than later.

It wasn’t long before Sonny came in after him. Joel didn’t hear him come in at first, synthesizer covering up the opening of the door, but it was impossible not to notice once Sonny spun his office chair around and crawled into his lap. Joel braced his hands on the armrest as Sonny settled, legs bracketing Joel’s own, and plucked Joel’s cigarette from his lips to take a drag from it.

“Sonny?” Joel looked him up and down. It was like he’d already forgotten their argument from five minutes ago, or was possessed by a succubus or something. “What’s gotten into you?”

“I am way too fucking horny to take the time to explain it,” Sonny said, which made everything make less sense. “You’re going to fuck me right here and right now or I’ll bite your dick off and fuck myself with it while you bleed out.”

“Holy shit,” Joel said, because there was no other way to respond to that sentence. “Oka-”

Joel was cut off by Sonny’s lips crashing into his, hips rocking into him needy and desperate. It was hard to argue with. Joel hadn’t been remotely horny before, but it wasn’t hard to ease into it, his body reacting despite himself. 

Sonny only stopped or slowed down for long enough to shuffle himself out of his pajama pants and underwear, and snuff out that cigarette, and Joel was clever enough to follow suit while Sonny was busy. With his Space Invaders boxers dangling limply from one ankle, Joel pulled Sonny into another hungry kiss. Sonny pushed him away, though, a little too forcefully, so he could spit into his own palm and wrap his hand around Joel’s dick. He started off with a rough pace, and Joel groaned in protest.

“Sonny- shit, careful, you’re gonna rip my dick off.”

“Sorry, sorry, I’m just in heat,” Sonny said, his voice breathy as he stroked Joel’s length. “I need you inside me so bad it physically hurts.”

Joel was only more confused, but he wasn’t going to deny Sonny what he wanted, not when it felt this fucking good. He bit his lip and watched Sonny as he slowly lowered himself onto his cock. His hands came to rest on Joel’s shoulders as he buried himself to the hilt, bouncing on it almost effortlessly. He really did fucking need this, Joel judged just by the desperation in his movements. Joel pulled Sonny into a hungry kiss, one hand resting on his perfect ass and the other tangled in his long, admittedly kinda greasy, hair. Sonny hadn’t showered in a minute but personal hygiene was about the last thing on Joel’s mind. He swallowed the sweet, pleasured sounds Sonny made, smacking his ass as he rode him. Sonny broke away from the kiss and filled the entire room with the sound of his moan- thank God it was soundproofed, he was so damn shameless. Joel took the opportunity to bite at Sonny’s collarbone. The reaction indicated that was the right call.

“God, you are such a fucking slut,” Joel groaned out, hips bucking upward, driving himself further into the tight, wet warmth of Sonny’s ass. “Fucking whore."

"Yeah- fuck, harder," Sonny whimpered, grinding his hips down into Joel. "Slap me."

Joel wasn't sure how much longer he was going to last if Sonny kept this up. He let his hand come to rest on Sonny's cheek, thumb running over his skin oh-so-gently, before pulling his hand back and rewarding him with a hard, resounding, smack! Sonny moaned and Joel repeated the motion, punctuating it with a hard thrust into him and tugging his hair sharply as he hissed, "You like that, you bitch?!"

"Yes, yes, yes, fuck," Sonny pleaded, the motions of his hips becoming erratic- he was close, which was great, because Joel was about to burst, himself. Joel smacked Sonny again and that was it. Pleasure wracked his whole body, bringing him to a shuddering orgasm, a high whine escaping him throughout. Joel came about the same time Sonny did, no longer able to stave off his orgasm. He came deep inside Sonny's ass, filling him with his warm seed. 

The two men sat there in wonderful silence for a few moments, catching their breath, until eventually Joel broke it. 

"So… are you gonna explain why you wanted to bite my head off and then jumped my bones five minutes later?"

"Oh… that." A cute little giggle, a fucking giggle, escaped Sonny. It was disturbingly cute. He hummed and slumped into Joel, coming to rest against the older man's chest comfortably, finally slipping off Joel's cock as he adjusted himself.

"Well, I tried to warn you like a month ago, but I got cold feet about it…" Sonny sighed, finger idly tracing circles into Joel's shoulder as he tried to bring himself to say the words.

"I'm not exactly… human. And that’s just what happens when I go into heat."

Joel had to suppress his laughter, but he couldn't hold it back entirely. A chuckle escaped him. "You look pretty human to me, Sonny. If you aren't, what are you?"

Sonny let out a huff of frustration, but didn't move. "It's not funny, I'm being serious. I'm an alien."

"An alien," Joel repeated, slowly. He ran a hand through Sonny's hair. He wasn't sure he really believed him, but goddamn he looked pretty all rosy-cheeked, fucked-out and cozied up to his chest. "And what kind of alien are you?"

Sonny seemed to relax a little in response to that. 

"Don't know. I was raised by humans, so I don't know a lot about my species. I didn't even know I was an alien until I was 16. I didn’t even know my real name.”

"Your real name?" Joel prompted, again wondering how much of this he actually believed. 

"It’s Skrillex."

"Thought that was just a stage name."

"Yeah, everyone does. But it's nice to be called my real name sometimes. So I use it that way."

Joel hummed in consideration. He didn't really get it at all, he'd never want to be called Deadmau5 by anyone he was actually close with, but… well, if his legal name was Deadmau5, he'd probably ask people to call him Joel. So maybe that was reasonable. 

"Okay… Skrillex." The word felt so foreign all of a sudden. "You look awfully human for an extraterrestrial."

"I know… we’re very biologically similar to humans, actually, with… just a few exceptions.” Sonny shifted nervously. He wasn’t sure if he should specify how similar, at least not yet. A part of him could tell Joel didn’t really believe him. “I think that’s why we came to Earth of all places, because it would be easy to blend in. But it’s just my theory.”

Joel nodded, slow and uncomfortable. His expression was impossible to read.

"I think I'm gonna need a minute to digest this all." 

"That's okay," Sonny said, content to stay where he was, head coming to rest on Joel's shoulder. "I have more to tell you, but it can wait until you're ready. I just- You still love me, right?"

Joel, for all the confusion he felt, knew the answer to that for certain. Placing a hand atop Sonny's, feeling the cool metal of his engagement ring against his skin, Joel muttered, "Of course I love you, Sonny. You didn’t even have to ask.”