
Feb. 26, 2012: Closer

The big day had arrived before either groom knew it.

As Joel stood at the altar, looking just a tad awkward in his suit and pixel-heart-patterned tie, a palpable excitement and tension filled the air. It was the union of the two biggest names in the electronic music scene, after all- who could stay calm?

Joel swallowed thickly, looking to his best man, Tommy Lee, who offered him an encouraging smile.
He wasn’t sure why he was so goddamn nervous. It wasn’t like they hadn’t rehearsed this a thousand times, planned everything in advance. Still, a tingle of nervous excitement remained in his gut as he turned back to watch the groomsmen- and even some groomswomen- walk the aisle.

Next was the flower girl, Joel's littlest niece. She skipped as she spread the white and red petals, unbothered by the stiff, formal setting conjured by adults.

And at last, Sonny, walking in step with his father as he was escorted down the aisle. That part had been a bit of a debate between the two of them, because it gave the impression that Sonny was supposed to be "the bride" when it was obviously a marriage of two grooms , but at the end of the day they'd decided to do it traditionally, and Sonny was close with his parents, anyway.

And he looked so, so gorgeous. He'd done something nice with his hair for once, even if it was just as simple as keeping it in a low side ponytail with a red rose worked into the tie, and his suit fit him perfectly. Sonny cleaned up a lot nicer than he did, Joel thought to himself, still feeling somewhat naked without wearing his usual baseball cap.

As Sonny stepped up to the altar, his eyes met Joel's. There was something in his gaze that Joel couldn't quite parse- maybe he was nervous, too.

From there, the preacher began his speech- the we are gathered here today to blah, blah, blah. Joel wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy taking in the sight before him, Sonny with his arms politely crossed in front of him as he listened to the preacher speak with a smile. Sonny was so goddamn gorgeous. The sun shone down on him like God himself wanted to tempt Joel into ruining another beautiful thing, pink-hued and fractured by the stained glass window. 

“...So if anyone should object to this marriage,” announced the preacher, “speak now or forever hold your peace.”

A reverent hush fell over the crowded room. Joel could hear even his own heartbeat, thumping wildly in his chest. After a few moments of silence, the preacher continued on.

“You may now recite your vows.”

Sonny took a deep breath and took a glance toward their audience of friends and family, then turned to Joel with a smile. It was like all that nervous energy had melted, just like that- like just looking at Joel was enough to reassure Sonny, and something about it was heartbreaking yet amazing at the same time.

“Joel, you’ve been by my side through thick and thin, and done nothing but uplift me. I’ve trusted you to know the side of me I’ve never let anyone else see, and-” Sonny sniffled, loud in such a quiet room, and reached up to wipe away tears from under his glasses. “And you have loved me just the same as you did before. I vow to remain loyal to you and forever faithful, to support you as much as you have supported me. I’m yours, for better or for worse, through the good times and the bad. Forever.”

Joel grinned wide. He could feel all eyes in the room turn to him, expectant, and normally he would have hated such a feeling- but right now, it made him feel invincible. He wanted the whole damn world to know how much he loved Sonny, how much his heart swelled with pride to hear those words from the younger. How much he loved him, no, would always love him.

“Sonny…” Joel began, a smile beginning to blossom on his face. “Your mom did a good job choosing that name, because you’re the light of my life. Not a single day goes by that isn’t brightened by your presence and your love. From the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one, and every day since you’ve brought me nothing but joy. You- You’ve always seen the best in me… even when I feel like I’m the worst. I vow to be a better man, if only to come closer to being the perfect husband you deserve. I promise to stay by your side, no matter what comes our way- good times or bad, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do us part.”

By the end of his vows, Joel felt a little like he might start crying, himself. Thankfully, the preacher redirected the attention away from him before the waterworks could start.

“Sonny Moore,” the preacher began, “do you take Joel Zimmerman to be your husband?”

“I do,” Sonny proudly said, almost giddy as he spoke. His cheeks were bright pink, even without the aid of the rose-tinted glass.

“And Joel Zimmerman,” the preacher continued, turning to him. “Do you take Sonny Moore to be your husband?”

“I do.”

Upon this cue, the preacher took the rings from the ring bearer and handed one to Sonny, and the other to Joel. The two grooms proudly stepped toward each other, and Joel first took Sonny’s hand to slide the ring onto his finger, before Sonny repeated the motion for Joel.

“I now pronounce you husband and husband; you may kiss the groom!”

Joel could hardly hold himself back. He pulled Sonny into a tight embrace, arms encircling his thin waist, as their lips met. Sonny eagerly reciprocated, hands coming to rest on Joel’s shoulders as he kissed his new husband. 

The excitement, it seemed, was contagious, because Joel’s niece just a few feet away began clapping and cheering- and soon after, the entire congregation followed suit. Joel pulled away from Sonny with a big smile, face flushed red, and took his husband’s hand in his. Together, they walked down the aisle and exited the room.

The reception was great- if nothing else, they had little trouble finding a musician. Knowing as many as they did, it was actually harder to narrow it down to just one they wanted to play. So, they didn't. Several of their friends took turns DJing, but their first dance was to a mashup of I Remember with All I Ask Of You, made just for the occasion by Kaskade. 

People buzzed around the reception, laughing, crying, telling jokes, spilling wine. Not that that all mattered too much- Joel couldn't keep his eyes off Sonny, and Sonny couldn't keep his hands off Joel. It was quite obvious even from the beginning that, really, what they couldn't wait for was for the guests to dissipate and leave them alone together. And so, once the night wound down sufficiently, the newlyweds were more than happy to ditch the party and get handsy in the back of a limousine on the way to the hotel- perks of being rich and famous, right? 

Sonny's fingers traced gently over the fabric of Joel's dress pants as Joel checked them into the hotel, just a taste of what was to come.

When they got to the room, Joel wasted no time in throwing Sonny down on the bed. He crawled on top of him, teeth meeting Sonny’s neck. A cry escaped him like something of a wounded prey animal.

“Little fucking tease,” Joel growled, nipping at Sonny’s neck while he worked at his tie. “Touching me like I wasn’t going to claim you for good tonight.”

“More like I couldn’t wait,” Sonny sighed out, tilting his head to let Joel get at his neck better- but Joel had different plans.

As he slipped Sonny free of his tie, he grabbed Sonny’s hands from where they rested awkwardly at Joel’s sides, pulling them up and above his head. Joel wrapped the tie around Sonny’s wrists, nice and snug. Sonny, weakly and pitifully, tried to squirm free of the improvised restraint, even though they both knew he fucking loved being tied up. Made him feel owned, helpless. And as an officially cuffed man now, how fitting to the occasion?

“You’re not getting out of that,” Joel said, cold and blunt, a shiver running up Sonny’s spine as Joel’s skinny fingers worked at the buttons of his nice suit and dress shirt. “You’re mine forever now.”

Sonny’s back arched up into Joel’s touch as he pulled open the front of his shirt, hands hungrily exploring Sonny’s pale torso. Even if he’d been starting to put on weight recently, he was still skinny until his hips began, with their wide, soft, feminine curves. God, so much of Sonny to love, and not nearly enough time to give each inch of him the praise and worship it deserved. Joel leaned down to press kisses to Sonny’s neck and chest, trailing across the vast expanse of skin.

“Oh, Joel…” Sonny breathed out, voice small and shuddery, the very sound of bliss spilling from his lips.

“Shh, let me make you feel good,” Joel cooed, lips pressing to Sonny’s stomach as he moved downward. Joel’s lithe fingers made quick work of Sonny’s pants, pushing them down around his thighs as kisses trailed lower and lower, following his happy trail. Sonny moaned as Joel finally took his cock in his mouth, head bobbing smoothly as he sucked, like he’d been training all his fucking life just to please Sonny. Sonny squirmed in his restraints, hips rocking desperately against Joel, wanting more, more, more. Joel didn’t suck dick often, but when he did- oh god, when he did, Sonny never wanted it to end.

Joel’s hands came to rest on Sonny’s hips, holding him down against the bed. Too much squirming for his tastes. He looked deep into Sonny’s eyes as he sank down all the way, taking his cock until his nose was nestled comfortably into Sonny’s pubes. He felt Sonny’s cock twitch with arousal in the back of his throat, moaning around him as he pulled off and began stroking. Sonny tried again in vain to struggle free of his bondage, hips rolling with need. 

“Joel, please-” Sonny whimpered, “I need you inside me, please-”

“Yeah?” Joel teased, voice low and hoarse. “How bad?”

Sonny groaned as Joel’s hand came off his cock, satisfied to trace teasing circles along his hip. 

Joel, come on, I’m in heat and it hurts -” Sonny shuddered as Joel’s fingers ghosted over his thigh. “Please, I’ve been hungry for it all day just- I’m all yours, so take me!

“Aww. If you insist.”

Joel pulled off Sonny’s pants completely, then got to work undoing his own. The good thing about Sonny’s heat was that he had seemingly become self-lubricating- not that he was dripping all over the place, but they rarely if ever needed to use lube anymore. It was a surprise to both of them, but not an unwelcome one.

Joel pressed his length into Sonny’s wet heat, a low groan escaping him as he buried himself to the hilt, hands coming to grip the supple flesh of his pale thighs. Sonny moaned as Joel plunged into him, shockwaves of pleasure rippling through his body in response to his motions. Over the year they’d been dating, Joel had quickly learned what drove Sonny crazy in all the right ways, and it seemed tonight he planned to hold all of it against him. 

Joel spanked Sonny’s thigh, a hard smack resounding through the room like a clap of thunder. Sonny jolted and cried out with pleasure, and the next thing he knew, Joel’s hands had wandered from his thighs to around his throat. They lingered there, hesitant, until Sonny met Joel’s eyes and, hazy and flushed, nodded his approval. Yes. Please. Do it.

Joel’s grip tightened until Sonny felt himself unable to breathe, the edges of himself becoming foggy and numb but for the feeling of Joel fucking into him, hard and rough. Joel liked choking Sonny- the way his eyes always fell half-shut and rolled back into his head, how limp and pliant he became. Once, Joel had likened Sonny to a sex doll in that state, and it wasn’t entirely untrue. He could just keep him like this until he suffocated, using his limp body as a fleshlight, if he so wanted-

Joel let up on Sonny’s throat, watching as he gasped for breath. Joel caught Sonny’s lips in his own, kissing him almost apologetically, as he brought one hand lower to stroke Sonny’s cock. He was already leaking precum, and it didn’t take much more to push him over the edge, orgasm wracking his body as he came, hard. Joel wasn’t far behind. He rutted into his husband, loose and pliant, until he filled Sonny with his seed, then pulled out, panting as he rolled over onto the bed next to him.

After a moment, he reached up to undo Sonny’s tie from around his wrists. The moment his hands were free, Sonny lowered them to Joel’s chest, pawing at the buttons on his suit. 

“You’re overdressed.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Joel apologized sarcastically, smiling as he leaned in to kiss Sonny again. “Last I checked I had a pretty thing begging me to fuck him before I got the chance to undress.”

“Mm.” Sonny pulled Joel’s suit over his shoulders once it was unbuttoned, starting to undo his tie. “Well, I wanna see more skin in round two.”