
Feb. 28, 2012: Alone With You

Joel awoke two mornings later in a plush white bed, so comfortable he hardly wanted to get up. Sunlight streamed in through the open windows, pleasant but annoyingly bright. Joel only truly came into himself when he rolled over to find Sonny’s side of the bed empty and cold. A lazy groan escaped him as his eyes fluttered open and his hand grasped futily at the hotel bedsheets.
In search of his husband, or perhaps just coffee, Joel sat up and looked around. The glass door out onto the balcony was open, thin white curtains swaying in the warm, gentle breeze, which brought inside with it the scent of salt and the crash of waves against the shore. Joel took the liberty of throwing on some underwear before making himself a cup of joe and heading outside.

As he’d hoped, Joel found Sonny outside in the jacuzzi, taking in the beautiful view of the beach from their hotel room through his shades. Sonny had kicked up his feet, and beside him on the lip of the jacuzzi sat a martini glass, olive and all.

“Skrill,” Joel said, half-exasperated and half-amused, as he approached. “Really? A martini? This early?”
Sonny turned to face Joel, a grin spreading across his face. “Chill, man. It’s just vitamin water in there.”

“Drinking vitamin water might be the gayest thing you do. And you’re married to a man now,” Joel said, rolling his eyes but nevertheless coming to sit on the lip of the jacuzzi, feet resting in the water as he set his mug on the edge. “Where’d you get the olive?”

“I asked the guy at the bar if I could get an olive without the martini.”

“Now I feel stupid for asking.” Joel scooted just a little closer to Sonny- enough to touch him, although he didn’t. He looked down to meet Sonny’s gaze, but as his eyes traveled downward…

“Are you fucking naked?”

“No. I’m wearing sunglasses.”

“Jesus Christ. All of Ibiza just saw your dick, didn’t they? I'm doing a horrible job at this marriage thing if everyone just saw your cock and I didn't punch all of them about it."

Sonny snorted. “Not unless they were already staring. Can’t you just ask me how I slept, man?”

Joel rolled his eyes. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did,” Sonny confirmed with a smile, resting his head against Joel’s knees. “I had a dream that you were, like, a cyborg, and your head came off and went missing and I had to go looking for it in this, like, Skyrim cave.”

"Huh." Joel stared awkwardly down at his feet, then glanced toward the beach. "I appreciate the gesture, I guess."

"Of course, man. I’m always here for you when you lose your head." Sonny grinned. He looked up at Joel for a moment, then grabbed him by the hips and pulled him into the water. Joel yelped in surprise as he fell. Hot water splashed all over him and Sonny, probably got chlorine in his fucking coffee, but Sonny was just laughing. Joel groaned even as he came to settle in his husband's lap. 

"Dude! You're, like, not even funny," Joel huffed, shaking the water off one hand before rubbing a droplet off Sonny's shades. "Got my fuckin' boxers wet."

"Poor mau5ey," Sonny faux-pouted, hooking a thumb under the waistband. "Guess we just gotta take 'em off now, huh?"

Joel flinched just the slightest bit at the touch, face bright red. "Oh- Oh, I see what fuckin' game you're playing now. You- Fucker."

"Hey, I'll stop if you want."

There was a tense pause, Joel's gaze trained on where Sonny's hand met his hip. Slowly, he placed his hand over Sonny's, and pushed it downward. Sonny grinned as he freed Joel from his wet boxers, Joel helping by sort of awkwardly shuffling underneath the water until the underwear slipped from around his ankles. Carelessly, Sonny tossed them aside, letting them land on the deck chair, then let his hand explore Joel's skin, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he stared.

"You look good," Sonny commented, mindlessly. His thumb caressed Joel's bony hip.

Joel shrugged noncommittally. He didn't really think he looked great, approximately ever. He couldn't grow his hair out to save his life. He could barely make himself get out of bed most days. He was a wreck and a half, but… Sonny saw something in him, and he could never figure out what. Joel came to settle in Sonny's lap. 

"You look better," he said eventually, because it was true. Joel sighed and grabbed Sonny's shades, pulling them off so he could see his eyes. They looked even prettier than usual, almost amber-hued under the harsh Spanish sunlight. Captivating. Joel leaned in to kiss Sonny, loving and tender.

Sonny wrapped an arm around Joel’s slender torso, pulling him closer, movements almost hungry with want and need. Before Joel even quite realized what was happening, Sonny had flipped him over and crawled on top of him, and in all the movement the water had splashed into his eye. Joel reached up to wipe it away, but Sonny grabbed his hand and pulled it above his head, hips rutting eagerly against him.

“Sonny-” Joel gasped out, feeling the cleft of Sonny’s ass press against his cock- quickly hardening, but not quite at full mast yet. “Sonny, shit, give me a minute.”

Joel, ” Sonny groaned, grinding harder against Joel’s stiffness. “Come on, I didn’t want to wake you up, but…”

“I know,” Joel hissed, reaching up with his other hand to wipe his face, and this time Sonny let him. He took a breath and let his hand come to rest on Sonny’s hip. “Goddamn, I like you in heat. Wake up every morning with a pretty thing trying to jump my bones.”

“Yeah?” Sonny half-sighed and half-laughed, leaning in closer to kiss Joel’s neck. “Hope you still like me when you finally knock me up.”

Joel thought about it for a moment as Sonny lapped droplets of water from his collarbone. He'd actually given it surprisingly little thought since Sonny told him about his… alien biology. Maybe it hadn't sunk in yet, or he'd just been distracted with wedding planning, but… Sonny, his stomach plump and round with new life… Joel could definitely learn to like that. 

Joel's grip on Sonny's hips tightened as the younger bit down on his skin, almost insistent on leaving bruises in his wake. Joel pressed his cock, now fully erect, into Sonny. Sonny took the hint and rocked back against him. He pulled himself back and lifted himself just enough to reach behind and grab Joel's cock, guiding it into himself as he slid back down into Joel's lap. A low moan escaped him and his eyelids fluttered shut, finally satisfied to be full.

Sonny rocked his hips against Joel’s, stiffness pressed to Joel’s stomach as he fucked himself on his husband’s cock. Joel let his hands rest on Sonny’s plush hips, gaze focused on the way Sonny looked in the bright sun, hair wet and face spattered with droplets of water. So effortlessly breathtaking. Joel leaned forward and caught Sonny’s lips in his own, hips thrusting upward into him.

Sonny moaned, wanton and unabashed, as he bounced on Joel’s cock. Joel’s lips trailed kisses along Sonny’s jawline down to his neck, breath hot and heavy as he muttered, “You’re so fucking beautiful when you take my cock.”

“Fuck- Yeah?” Sonny panted, grinding down against Joel, a pleasured sound escaping him.

“Always beautiful,” Joel appended, one hand reaching up to comb through Sonny’s wet hair, tug lightly just to test the waters. “And all mine.”

“All yours,” Sonny affirmed, cock twitching with arousal against Joel’s skin. “Do whatever you want with me…”

“Wanna fuck you pregnant.” Joel let his thumb come to wander over Sonny’s stomach, unfortunately flat- hopefully not for long. “Gonna put my fuckin’ baby in you. Nothin’ you can do about it.”

“Oh, Joel,” Sonny moaned, high and needy, movements growing more desperate. “Joel, Joel, Joel…”

Joel pulled Sonny’s hair, grip tightening on his hips as he thrust into him, rough and hard. “Yeah, scream my name, baby. Let everyone fuckin’ know who you belong to.”

“Jo-o- oh, Joel-” Sonny more whimpered than screamed, clenching around Joel’s length as he reached his climax. Joel fucked Sonny through his orgasm until he, too, came, burying his seed deep into Sonny.

The both of them stayed that way, interlocked as they caught their breath. Sonny reached over the lip of the jacuzzi to take a sip of his stupid vitamin martini, and Joel- not thinking much of it- let his hand come to rest on Sonny’s stomach, mind starting to drift away as he stared at the beach ahead- families sitting under umbrellas, kids drawing in the sand.

Joel’s attention returned when Sonny pushed his glass toward him and offered, “Vitamin water?”

Joel, grateful, took a sip. His face screwed up in displeasure. “It tastes like olives.”

“That’s probably because of the olive.”

Joel rolled his eyes. At some point, Sonny had moved out of his lap and now sat next to him in the hot tub.

“Speaking of olives… we should probably eat lunch. I’m hungry.”

Sonny got out of the jacuzzi and made his way over to one of the deck chairs, where a bathrobe laid, dry. He wrapped it around himself and tied the front, looking over to Joel where he remained in the water. Completely nude.

Sonny grinned and tossed his underwear- still wet, but now cold- over to Joel, who caught them. “How does room service sound?”

When Sonny and Joel had dried off and finished their meal, thanks to the magic of time zones and jet lag, it was already getting to be about sunset. It was Sonny’s suggestion to go for a romantic walk on the beach, because he really could be a hopeless romantic sometimes- Joel agreed to it, because he could never resist Sonny and his stupid puppy dog eyes.
So, they got dressed and headed down to the beach. Joel looked maybe too comfortable in just swim shorts given that it was February, but Sonny had thought to dress at least a little warmer than that. Hand in hand, they walked along the shore, leaving footprints in the sand behind them.

“Remember last time we came here?” Joel thought out loud as they walked.

“Yeah. Like, a few months after I got on your label and I was playing at that club?”

“And you got food poisoning from the shitty venue catering and had to cancel shows.” Joel squeezed Sonny’s hand. “That’s why I decided we should have our honeymoon here. You were so excited to be in Ibiza and then it all got ruined.”

“Aww.” Sonny leaned over to kiss Joel’s cheek. It was probably the most he’d allow- Joel was never big on PDA, despite the public proposal. His cheeks still flared red. Sonny giggled just a little at the sight. “You know, you can be a sap when you want to, Joel.”

“Ah, shut up…”

“I mean it.” Sonny tugged at his arm and pulled Joel just a little closer to him, shoulders brushing as they walked. “Trying to make up for my failed tour here is so sweet of you.”

Joel rolled his eyes. He wasn’t sure he’d call the gesture sweet. But hey, as long as it made Sonny happy… who cares, right?

Eventually, Sonny came to a stop. Joel looked over, fingers still interlaced with Sonny’s, curious.

“Why’d you stop?”

“It’s sunset. Don’t you just want to stop and watch the sun set?”

Joel thought about it for a second, looking out to the sun as it set over the waves. He kind of did want to stop and watch the sun set.

“I guess.”

Reluctantly, Joel made his way back over to Sonny’s side, letting his husband rest his head on his shoulder as they took in the view. It was, admittedly, gorgeous. The sky was a beautiful gradient of orange-pink, only the faintest wisps of clouds above. It was like in a movie, or one of those paintings they’d hang in the Louvre. It was perfect. Picturesque.

Joel looked down to see Sonny fiddling with his phone in his free hand.

“I knew you weren’t old enough to actually want to stand here and watch the sunset,” Joel commented. “What are you doing with that thing?”

“I want to get a picture!”

“You’re not gonna get a good one from that angle. Maybe we should just ask someone to take a picture for us.”

Sonny glanced around. The beach wasn’t exactly populated at this hour, especially in the off-season for tourism. Joel noticed about as fast as he did. Improvising quickly, he dropped to one knee and started drawing in the sand. It was nothing complicated, barely more than stick figures- first, himself, wearing a mau5head. And then, Sonny, recognizable by only the hair and glasses. As an afterthought, he added a little Meowingtons. Joel looked up at Sonny with half a smile. “How’s that for a picture?”

Sonny grinned and snapped the photo. “Perfect!”


Joel was about to get up, but noticed that Sonny hadn’t yet looked up from his phone.

“You’re posting that on Instagram, aren’t you?”

“It’s too cute not to post on Instagram!”

Joel sighed and rolled his eyes. Damn hipster. He’d wait for Sonny to be done making his post, though. Bored, he turned back to his sand drawing. He added another stick figure. Smaller. He hadn’t added a face yet when Sonny called out, “Okay, I posted it!”

Joel got up and wiped his hands off on his shorts, returning to his husband’s side. Sonny took Joel’s hand and lead him onward, mindless chatter continuing. Some kind of plans to go clubbing later. Joel looked back just long enough to see the waves wash his drawing away.