
Mar. 24, 2012: Ease My Mind



Sonny huffed and threw the covers off his half-sleeping husband, impatient. “We’re gonna miss our appointment if you don’t get up!”

Joel whined and curled into himself, hugging his pillow. Sonny sighed and put his hands on his hips. “I’ll make your coffee for you but I’ll drink it if you’re not up and getting dressed by the time I bring it to you.”


Satisfied, Sonny smiled and headed out of the room. As promised, he made Joel’s coffee just how he liked it- black, but with sugar added- and came back into the bedroom to find Joel still shirtless, but pulling on some pants. His expression softened when he saw Sonny come in with coffee, and gratefully, he accepted the beverage, taking a long sip as Sonny pulled him into a loose hug from behind.

“Feel better?”

Joel shrugged as he swallowed his coffee. He looked back at Sonny with a half-grin.

“Yeah, but I prefer my usual wake-up call.”

Sonny rolled his eyes and lightly smacked Joel’s arm, but he wasn’t really offended. He was a bit more of an early bird than Joel was, and even he didn’t like getting up this early.

“Why’d we even make an appointment this early?” Joel complained, even as he leaned into Sonny’s warm embrace. 

“Because you were like it’s not a big deal you’re not pregnant yet, google says it can take six months for some couples, and I said, I’m supposed to be hyper-fertile when I’m in heat and we don’t have six months to wait around before we try and find out if your dick is broken. And the earliest appointment they had was at 8 in the morning.”

“Oh yeah.” Joel groaned. “We should have just taken the one for next week.”

“Jackass.” Sonny pushed Joel just a little harder than strictly necessary as he pulled himself away.

“Ow.” Joel rolled his eyes and set his coffee down on the dresser, grabbing for a T-shirt to pull on. “Just saying, babe, it’ll probably be fine!”

“Joel Moore-Zimmerman?”

Joel noticed, just barely out of the corner of his eye, the way Sonny lit up when the nurse called out their new, hyphenated last name. It was honestly kind of adorable. He stood and made his way back, Sonny following close behind. They did the usual- weight, blood pressure, and then he was in the doctor’s office, sitting on the examination table. Sonny made himself plenty comfortable on the chair in the corner until the doctor entered the room.

“Good morning, Joel,” The doctor greeted, sitting on her stool and wheeling over to the computer. “What brings you in today?”

“I, uh…” Joel awkwardly glanced to Sonny. “Well, my husband and I have been trying for a baby-”

“Him and my sister. She agreed to be our surrogate,” Sonny helpfully lied.

“-and I was just hoping to get my fertility checked. See if, uh… I’m the reason we haven’t been able to conceive.”

“Alright.” The doctor took a pause to type something up on her computer. “So, there are a couple things we can do. First, I can do a physical examination of your penis and testes-”

Sonny gave the doctor a certain look that suggested he wasn’t too keen on that idea. She chose not to acknowledge it.

“-and I’ll ask you some questions about your medical history and lifestyle. And then after that, we can collect a semen sample, and we’ll have lab results in about a week’s time just to make sure it isn’t an STI or something wrong with the sperm themselves.”

“Alright.” Joel shuffled awkwardly, glancing back at Sonny as he moved. “So, uh, do you want me to just… whip it out right now, or?”

“If you’d like, yes, we can do the exam right now,” she confirmed, getting up from her computer and grabbing a pair of disposable gloves from the box. Joel looked to Sonny for confirmation.

“Better sooner than later,” Sonny affirmed, shifting in his chair.

The doctor put on her gloves, and Joel unzipped his pants, and Sonny tried to look everywhere but at the lady groping his husband’s balls, which proved to be only a mild success. Joel dutifully answered the questions as she asked them- no i don’t exercise, yes i smoke but i’m trying to quit, yes i drink alcohol, no i’m not on any medications, no i haven’t had any STIs, no I don’t have erectile dysfunction- and, to Sonny’s approval, didn’t exactly sound like he was enjoying it, and eventually it was over. The doctor removed her gloves, washed her hands, and handed Joel a small container once he was done zipping his pants back up.

“Your penis and testes appear normal. I’d like you to collect a semen sample for me now. Just go into the bathroom, ejaculate into the container and put the lid on, leave it in the sample tray and you can go. We’ll give you a phone call or send a letter with your results.”

“Alright,” Joel noted, still feeling just a little awkward.

“Can, uh-” Sonny gestured vaguely with one hand. “Can I come?”

“Not into the sample cup.” The doctor smiled, half-amused at her own joke. “But yes, you can accompany your husband to procure a semen sample if it helps. Just try not to contaminate the sample.”

“Awesome.” Sonny got up from his chair and, alongside Joel, headed to the bathroom. Joel locked the door behind the both of them, and no later than he was done did Sonny slam his chest against it, all tongue and teeth, lavishing his neck.

“Sonny-!” Joel gasped, shuddering as he felt his husband’s hand slither into his pants, demanding. “Sonny, what’s gotten into you- ah-”

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten who you belong to,” Sonny growled, breath hot against Joel’s neck as he nipped at his inked skin. “ You’re mine.”

“Jesuschrist, she was making sure I didn’t have ball cancer, dude-!”

“All. Fucking. Mine.”

While the sudden possessiveness was definitely freaky, Joel would be lying to himself and his body if he said it wasn’t hot as hell. He was already hard in Sonny’s prying hand, and sure, maybe Sonny was gripping just a little too tight as he stroked, but oh god his mouth was working some actual fucking miracles on his neck, just the right balance of pleasurable and painful, and Joel never wanted it to stop. He found that he couldn’t control the high, needy whines that escaped his mouth, growing steadily more desperate the higher up he worked, until Sonny’s lips met his.

Sonny spun Joel around as he pressed him against the door, kissing him like he wanted to devour him whole, all the while hand pumping his erect cock. When had his pants come undone?

“Tell me who you belong to, Joel ,” Sonny breathed against Joel’s lips, the barest edge of danger in his voice, “ Tell me.”

“Y-You- oh fuck, Sonny, all yours- ” Joel hardly more than whimpered, a wave of arousal washing over him. It was so unlike Sonny to be so possessive, so dominant. And it was so hot. He felt like a glob of putty beneath Sonny’s hands, pliant and submissive and it was so out of his depth but god he loved it, loved the way Sonny took what he wanted from him without even asking, how he commanded him like a dog.

“Yeah, that’s right, mine,” Sonny hissed, nipping at Joel’s neck again, sharp teeth sinking into his Meowski tattoo. Joel gasped and shuddered at the sensation, like fire through his veins, bucking unwittingly into Sonny’s hand, already so close, so soon. If Sonny gave Joel room to breathe or think he might even be embarrassed by it. But as it was, Sonny just made him feel so good, so fucking wanted and owned and-

Joel came, probably harder than he ever had in his life. He might have blacked out for a second, it was so good, because when he came back to himself, his heart was pounding impossibly hard and his legs felt like jelly and Sonny was just fucking smiling and putting the lid on the sample cup. Joel all but collapsed, leaning his entire body weight onto the door as he tried to get the air into his lungs.

“Oh, I probably should have warned you my heat makes me more… territorial, I guess,” Sonny commented, putting the sample into the tray.

“You’re gonna kill me,” Joel said after a long minute, voice ragged and drifty with breath.

Sonny just giggled and said, “Better you than me.”